SO2V of poor LU7HZ (PMSO2V) Pedrito
During the recent CQ WPX SSB 2011
and working from the station LQ5H
of Victor (LU3HS) I had the opportunity to test how a transceiver with two sub-recipients
mode Simple Operator 2 VFO (SO2V) . Basically it is a technology for DX and contests where the receiver can operate on two frequencies at the same time, various controls can route the audio from both receivers so that each occupy a receiver or two with one in particular, in this sense works like a controller
SO2R. However it has some advantages, the main one is that the antenna can be shared between the two receivers (supposed to be multi-band), in fact the Yaesu
FT1000MP I used has the potential to feed more than one antenna. The disadvantage is that they can not issue simultaneously, in fact the "Main" operation "is only one rate should be passed this before transmitting. Not sure if you can work easily double station run / multiplier in this configuration and if you can not or do dueling. Not that it is particularly good with either, but to establish a benchmark for comparison with SO2R configuration it can do both.
During the CQ DX MM as I said in previous post with " notes" of the contest there were times when the booster station was not competitive enough to just get into a station, it would be desirable to move quickly season run to make the point and back. However, in CAT configuration as I have this procedure has two problems. On one side is not quick or agile to do it and the other while moving the run is lost the chance to listen if someone answered.
OmniRig software in which CAT is based on my station has the facilities to do something very similar to a SO2V but with two radios, what happens is that the software available as sub-use and does not implement these facilities. After searching what was available I decided that anything I wrote then.
The program is very simple, it is written in Delphi 7 Embarcadero , And basically allows three operations. Take frequency and mode to pass to Rig1 Rig2 ( A-> B ), taking the frequency and mode Rig2 and pass it to Rig1 ( B-> A ) and exchange both frequency and mode of Rig. Then when you have tuned a multiplier that can not work well with Rig2 is an exchange going on the run to the frequency multiplier and is for the run.
multiplier is worked and then exchange it back to continue the run. The advantage is that the Rig2 the frequency is run (could even continue to call, although with lower performance) and can listen for answers. The change is instant anyway.
Al implement discovered that there is little difference in the frequency of the two computers I use in my SO2R so you have to do a little compensation to make the change. That is, if the Rig1 is in 7010 KHz and 14015 KHz Rig2 in to make the switch happens to have the Rig1 14015 KHz and 7010 KHz Rig2, but that does not mean that the signal was tuned in to listen now Rig2 the Rig1; can be moved a few hundred Hz
The program itself despite being simple is usual in a Windows GUI and to facilitate I did install a small arrangement of self-installation. The latest version can be downloaded from here
The program name is
PMSO2V and derives from "Poor Man's SO2V
SO2V poor man's), typically American expression used to mean an economic variant of any function or facility.
All very nice, as all changes will have to try it on a competitive basis to see if it works as well as it does in a single test.