As guests of the impressive field of antennas Bad Power (LT1F) located in Rosario (Argentina) meeting was held on 11 Anniversary of the creation of LU Contest Group.
Very interesting encounter with a very large number of contesters from all over the country were shared technical talks and a meeting in an atmosphere of camaraderie. I had the opportunity to meet most of the members of LU-CG as well as other colleagues who knew him personally as Daniel (LU9DPD) along with "banda" or RCAvellaneda of Gonzalo Rey (LW6DX) with whom he had much contact during the Argentine HF (along with the "gang" of DXGN) or by mail as in the case of Dan Peralta (LU3MAM/L33M) and Paul D'Auger (LU6XV) who gave me a very cute sticker Usuhuaia RC (attached) or even my neighbor (literally, because he lives a few blocks from home) Juan Fedelich (LU3HY/LT0H) along with many others.
Juan Pablo (LU4DX) and John (LU3HY) gave a very interesting talk on the N1MM, although starting with the basics provided useful data especially for the configuration of SSB and RTTY. Then Jorge (CX6VM) said as he was putting together his season high performance contester. Group picture and incredible roast made through the presentation of the group Radio Club Santa Rosa (LU1UM) made by Alexander (LU2UF) , his wife Carmen (LU5UBI) and several of the kids (and not so kids) team, they are doing a fantastic job of creating from scratch a new generation of contesters (I smell that all who are destined to win everything), captured the imagination and the applause of all.

Juan Pablo (LU4DX) and John (LU3HY) gave a very interesting talk on the N1MM, although starting with the basics provided useful data especially for the configuration of SSB and RTTY. Then Jorge (CX6VM) said as he was putting together his season high performance contester. Group picture and incredible roast made through the presentation of the group Radio Club Santa Rosa (LU1UM) made by Alexander (LU2UF) , his wife Carmen (LU5UBI) and several of the kids (and not so kids) team, they are doing a fantastic job of creating from scratch a new generation of contesters (I smell that all who are destined to win everything), captured the imagination and the applause of all.

Then there was the awards Argentine HF Championship 2010 edition, where the team of LU1UM returned to "steal" scenario to win the national cup of M / S. The members of the LU-CG did a retrospective of his activity in the last 11 years, delivering a very nice certificate to those who joined this year (my assistant). The last show I saw before returning to Córdoba (4 hour drive, with some pleasant weather) was very interesting talk about RFI gave Edward (Edy, LU2DKT) . Many discussions around the theme contest (of course) and SDR, a subject on which there is a lot interest. Nice event, hopefully to be repeated, see the field of antennas bonus LT1F was impossible not to draw on ideas to view.