Sunday, October 25, 2009

Average Pilot Salary In Canada

Amplificador a Transistores 0.25 w a 0.5 w

works really well for me, is very easy to do, and inexpensive volume
beats many other devices!. It works with a voltage
from 3 to 12 volts, you should use a battery or power (if they manage to use it) 9v
R1: A resistance violet red and golden yellow (4k7)
R2: resistor brown black green and gold (1M)
T1: A transistor BC548 or 2N3904 (the first is recommended)
T2: A transistor BC327 or 2N3906 (the first is recommended)
C1: A 10 uf capacitor

one speaker cables 8 ohm, 0.5w recommended for 2 1 / 2 "
audio input:
click on the image to enlarge
signal and ground, then this will sevir in the diagram.

tin solder




Here is the pcb to make it to the plate (see tutorials)

to see the board finished here go


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