briefly recalling what he wrote in the previous entry, the story that tries to tell Lost can be described as a game between two enrevesada enigmatic figures, Jacob and Nemesis. We sense that the two play, literally, with the fate of several people / parts that were passing by the island. Each of the movements that seem Aillas do not seem to follow no logic, but in the entirety of the game may prove to be thrown materials. Therefore, we have to wait for the series to understand, of course, lots of things for now, seem to lack direction or do not finish fit. I hope so!
But as we win this game? In this simplified version of history, we say that it is possible to win overrides all the possible movement of your opponent. In the case of annular means killing Nemesis indirectly to all cases "Candidates." In other words, must find a way to manipulate the other parts (other people on the island) to end one by one with the group of "candidates". A good way to start would be to manipulate the weakest element of the group, eg a Sawyer and slaughtered many goats, xD. But then, why kill Jacob? The quick answer would be ... because it will. The other possibility is because killing Jacob nullifies its influence over other people on the island (except Hugo).
With these letters in hand, situémonos an indeterminate time in time in the past or the future, and always setting the timeline as a reference current, which marks the survivors Oceanic Flight 815. From that instant of time x during a time unknown, there are a series of events leading to Jacob and Nemesis to the island and will give this a series of special properties, such as posibililidade autodesplazarse of space-time by " Agujero worm ", using exotic matter, or certain healing properties (though this could be the work of Jacob ). The order in which this series of events occur is not relevant.
For unknown reasons, the two individuals acquire characteristics and semi-divine Nemesis is stripped of his human condition and doomed to wander in the form of black smoke. At that precise moment the game begins described above, so that if Nemesis wins, his reward is to abandon the form of black smoke and the possibility of returning to his home (where). If, however, the winner is Jacob not know their reward. From that time, Jacob begins to attract people to the island and the game is currently taking place in accordance with the rules established with a multitude of good moves and bad fate of everyone who ends up becoming more a part in the match.
If we do if the conversation that Jacob's and Nemesis at the beach early in the season finale the fifth season, gives the impression that the game we're living through Lost is not, much less the first. Rather, it seems that, throughout history, there have been many times that the two rivals faced off with an unknown end. The most sensible to think that all ended in tables and all parts removed. This new game must begin at some point of time prior to the sinking of Black Rock on the island and lasted until the present period, when it seems closer to the outcome.
How do you fit in all this theory?
- Richard Alpet.
- Miles peculiar skills to talk to dead people, Hugo to see dead people, to kill birds of Walt ...
- John Locke
- Aaron
- Benjamin Linus and Charles Widmore Eloise Hawkins
The position we occupy Charles and Eloise in the network is confusing and is difficult to decide on they stand. During his stay on the island shared with Richard responsibility to protect the other members of the group and take orders that supposedly has assigned to them by Richard Jacob, until the arrival of Ben. However, after leaving the island, Widmore is obsessed with going back and use all resources to achieve it, as Eloise is the one who helps him return to the Oceanic six. Unlike the poor Ben, and even Richard, both seem to know the existence of the great battle ahead between Jacob and Nemesis. How can they know if they are off the island? They are pieces of the man in black since they were on the island, or, similarly to what happens with Iliana, Jacob went to visit to ask for your help. If I am allowed to permit gambling, Widmore, true to Jacob, Eloise and ultimately convert to another piece over Nemesis, without being conscious.
- Dogen and the other tenants of the temple
- Time travel and other properties pseudofantásticas (not pseudofísicas) Island
- Numbers chung
PS: On May 23, I reread this post and votarme a laugh that was lost only 12 chapters in the series finale.
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