A quiet month of February, with no runs and two weeks without being able to train because of an injured right calf, gave way to a frenzied month of March, completing the preparation for average Leo , and the possibility of participating in one / two races every weekend. After the suspension travel by Porriño cicloxénese nothing explosive, the only 10,000 which is in Galicia at the beginning of the season with Ginzo (also was not climatological reasons), the next race which was marked on the calendar was to Padrón.
The eighth edition of this popular race held on Saturday, March 6 in the afternoon, as I like. It consisted of two laps of just over 5 kms, the area of \u200b\u200bride Espolón, to complete a total distance of approximately 10.5 kms, fully soils. This was my third consecutive participation in this career, and for now, proof that more often took the exit. In the two previous editions, just always very fair and forces with the feeling that, really, it was more so than if reflexes career. Where there are races that you atragantan and you do not know why. Shortly after
eating Gasman and I spent to gather Miguelina, tenants of Running in Galicia that connected in Lestrove , and together we made the trip to Santiago, where we took Josef . As if we lost, we arrived with more than enough time for Standard, collect the dorsal, with disappointment that our friend was not voluntary and fómonos switch to start heating. Only a 10 minute run smoothly and I've noticed that would be a hard day, very tired legs by "pulled wide" on Thursday, which has not yet recovered, and pain in the right calf. So it comes out with calm and forces are advancing on the second lap.
Although the organization of Vigo decided it was a good idea to set a new date for his career on the same Sunday, we add about 500 runners in the standard output. Starts racing and I try to follow the rhythm of Josef kms in the first, but a little before passing the 2 km, the pain intensified in twin and decided to stop my cravings because it is better not to injure the two weeks of first year average. After a first stretch of Graville, enter bike trail nunhna area of \u200b\u200basphalt, which give me the twin like a stone.
And suddenly, before you even get to 3 km, the forces abandónanme completely and I get the feeling go desfondado. Starts pasarme people everywhere and I think it will comprice finish the race, as are about three quarters of the route. But as we all estos cases, hiding your head, try Olvidarme this feeling that the miles go by and not just concentrate on giving me a new zanca. First step in goal for 24:30, two minutes more than in previous editions, but it has nothing dishonest. Since
VigBay of 2008, my first and only half so far not had that feeling of going as "apajarado" but Just like that, willpower can feel like taking on one side and rest. Beginning the second round and further down the pace to deal with the energy expenditure of the few I have left. The kms are very DeSPAcio and, besides, I have hardly any references since, most runners who went with me, fóronme walked out and coming back does not go much about the forces, so I understand this feeling of immense loneliness that sometimes has running popular.
kms The last debate between the effort to end and the fear of the new twin lesionarme increasingly touched. But, finally, comes the finishing line and break into the Crono 50:44, taking nearly 26 minutes to complete the second round. Real time 50:27, an average of 4:48 min / km and the longing that reaches the next race to see if I can desquitarne the bad taste of mouth that made me Padrón.
Avituallamento on target varied, but nothing solid to be taken by mouth to reduce the feeling of emptiness that I got. Deserved award for being in the van of the tail of the field of runners. While and Josef Gasman awaiting the arrival of Miguelina, take the opportunity to stretch and relax a mouse, thinking that the best is that it's still Saturday afternoon and the long weekend.
PS: You can read other chronicles this race with different approaches nopinnoglory and delicatesen_cañi .
eating Gasman and I spent to gather Miguelina, tenants of Running in Galicia that connected in Lestrove , and together we made the trip to Santiago, where we took Josef . As if we lost, we arrived with more than enough time for Standard, collect the dorsal, with disappointment that our friend was not voluntary and fómonos switch to start heating. Only a 10 minute run smoothly and I've noticed that would be a hard day, very tired legs by "pulled wide" on Thursday, which has not yet recovered, and pain in the right calf. So it comes out with calm and forces are advancing on the second lap.

VigBay of 2008, my first and only half so far not had that feeling of going as "apajarado" but Just like that, willpower can feel like taking on one side and rest. Beginning the second round and further down the pace to deal with the energy expenditure of the few I have left. The kms are very DeSPAcio and, besides, I have hardly any references since, most runners who went with me, fóronme walked out and coming back does not go much about the forces, so I understand this feeling of immense loneliness that sometimes has running popular.

Avituallamento on target varied, but nothing solid to be taken by mouth to reduce the feeling of emptiness that I got. Deserved award for being in the van of the tail of the field of runners. While and Josef Gasman awaiting the arrival of Miguelina, take the opportunity to stretch and relax a mouse, thinking that the best is that it's still Saturday afternoon and the long weekend.
PS: You can read other chronicles this race with different approaches nopinnoglory and delicatesen_cañi .
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