Among roads, ghosts and diversification of spaces, the new edition of the classic festival presented two main developments, the parallel edition held in La Coruna and the extension of paragraph SonarKids.
No certainly after the success of last year which saw the commitment of the organizers of the festival by creating a section for children in the house, this year they decided to extend the offer to two days a week to hasten the diversification of activities. Different activities focused on promoting creativity of children, such as textiles or dance workshops, joined the now familiar sound sessions tailored for the occasion. Let more than one would feel like to procreate or be re Niñ @ in order to have an excuse to attend weight.
is also no doubt that the realization of the festival in a second parallel to the original city of Barcelona is in the usual line Festival to bring in smaller-format editions, the festival around the world. On this occasion as an excuse Holy Year, the festival approached Galician lands, namely La Coruna, where they enjoy the well-known event, without having to cross the country. Know at present the Galician editing assistance, I do not think that was bad considering that it exceeded the number of visitors last year in the Catalan edition, more than 84000 people. Who said crisis? I propose that the festival directors as candidates for the next election. They do know what they want the young (and not so young) Europeans!

Finally, go by subject. Like every year, not having to pay the exorbitant amount of fertilizer, almost complete (the parallel activities are not included), for a server always takes advantage of the extensive information that the organization puts in advance in order to select the route. Again, some tickets were sold before the start of the event, in this case, the day shift on Saturday.
not hesitate to spend the Teatre Grec to enjoy the new work of Ryoji Ikeda. Great expectations had risen Spectra presentation, a large lighting installation, 67 outbreaks nothing more and nothing less, they were making a hole in the sky Barcelona as evening was falling. Was curious to see this process while people were walking through the lights.
A curious spectacle in which we placed greater expectations of what eventually turned out to be. Fortunately, the Japanese artist at the event included a double session called Test audiovisual pattern. Impressive as always, from the first few seconds caught the attention of the public who congregated in the gardens of the Teatre Grec, with a dry sound sequence, and call it that, at times, nullifying any vibration in the air, no doubt, never my sense of hearing had caught anything like it before. Great. A succession image only black and white sounds extremely simple, completely synchronized are the basis of his speech. Less experimental and noisy than the previous visit to Sonar, Test pattern is closer to the festival most common sounds, rhythm and progression appreciate some sound not so deconstructed as usual in their work. All unique audiovisual experience, with incredible beam of light across the sky, a new edition of Sonar was to begin.
The next day we appeared after midday at the CCCB, a stunning space for the development of this activity, unfortunately for the neighbors. No doubt it was soon, and when few people Perfect to shop around the trade show and exhibition (Back to) The Robots of paragraph Sonarmática.
this year regained the demos of the different brands presenting new products. Small demonstration performances and workshops specific to certain tools are a good alternative before the overdose of sound that we expected.
First stop on the SonarComplex. Few people to see the sound produced by Phill Niblock (U.S.) on the images recorded by countryman Carlos Casas poblablos one of the highest in the land. Evocative landscapes and austere sounds that would have been repeated throughout the day.

short walk, to eat, a little sun, another attraction of the festival to outsiders and to the SonarHall which culminated in the performance of Pharaoh (ES), with a speech based on its pre-recorded drums on different pads in computer. From there we went to the SonarDome appreciated where I was going to be a day very, very public. The organization of this scenario was provided by the artists of the Red Bull Music Academy.
Dizz1 The Australian, showed us a new vision of low achieved tremendous urbanbeats with their drum machines and synthesizers. Opium for the people. Change change artist and sound repertoire. Sign in the stage full of guitars, pedals, laptop for occasional bases and technological ingenuity to control, Lucrecia Dalt (ES). Congost presenting their work recently published in his own label, combines in his address discrete electronics, industrial melodies Portishead could remember it not for the dial tone Indie that applies to their guitars. Interesting work. Relax and wait a bit to see one of the sound experiments pm: POWER. Canadians Alexandre and Julien Roy Burton presented an interesting audio-visual project based on the noise disturbance of a Tesla coil. Sound suggestive of the aforementioned artifact that was recorded live and projected on a screen by overlaying the different disturbances were produced electricity.
Seasoned with a few visual effects at times it seemed that so many electrical disturbance would electrocute if we were not far enough. We Auditorium to go straight to the presentation of the stamp Catalan Spa.Rk. We wanted to know why the international rise of the label and why not, to support the house. bRUNA he displayed the characteristic sounds of the seal. On some blocks that were illuminating the sound of their bpm and a visually appropriate for the occasion gave free rein to their repertoire of short cuts but very effective. Elegance for electronic sound smarter than so fashionable among artists is putting the city. All had their work followed Bradien (not Braiden, another English artist who played that day) and because of his move last year by the aforesaid seal. Plague this fluffy melodies sound collage based on traditional instruments like the xylophone, guitar and trumpet on prerecorded bases. "The soundtrack of your favorite vacation? Sweet and nice speech that surprised the audience. But here are over wavering sound. A queue while waiting for us to see a Kind Midas Sound (UK), a trio from the caves of darker dubstep. Three papers published in the Hyperdub label and spectacular staging, made a presentation of the more experimental side, noisy and thunderous awaits the dubstep, long life! Recommended LP Waiting for you that are far closer to us show that dispense brutal Kevin Martin to machines and the voice of Roger Robinson Trinidad and Hitomi. A good sound overdose that put SonarHall upside down before the imminent arrival of the last shock of the night. Nosaj Thing (U.S.) presented the spectacle of audio rather than visual (following the cache that has this festival) but without any waste. Eastern airs this seemingly young Los Angeles, the largest and tremendous dispatches show that a server has mail seen lately. Digital Hiphop, technical glitches and other noise near turntanblism, the decibels rose best to go crazy until the last of these. A fine show, powerful, with an impressive technique in live (not even once touched the laptop, all based on the controller) was the culmination of a journey that came to an end.
A unique sound in all the actions are the dominant tone of the festival, unfortunately thing is unusual, but it certainly is at the height of one of the most important events of this format in the world, not to say that alone. Until next year.
More info:
Pharaoh (Athlete Records / ES)
King Midas Sound (Hyperdub / UK)
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