Wednesday, July 2, 2008
What Does A Chip Do For A Truck
Http:// / / autos/article_8253.shtml
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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The vehicle speed sensor VSS (Vehicle Speed \u200b\u200bSensor) is a magnetic sensor, is mounted on the transaxle where would the speedometer cable.
The VSS provides an AC signal to the ECM which is interpreted as the vehicle speed. This sensor is a permanent magnet generator mounted on the transaxle. With increasing vehicle speed the frequency and voltage increase, then converts that voltage ECM Km / hr, which uses for its calculations. The Km / hr can be read with OTC monitor.
The VSS is responsible for informing the ECM of the vehicle speed to control the speedometer and odometer, coupling torque converter clutch (TCC) automatic transmissions, some are used as reference signal for speed control cruise control two-speed fan motor radiator.
has inside a spinning magnet that generates a sine wave AC directly proportional to vehicle speed. Each turn of the axis generates 8 cycles, the resistance should be 190 to 240 ohms.
With an AC voltmeter you check the output voltage when switched off and putting to turn one of the driving wheels at 40 miles per hour. The voltage should be 3.2 volts.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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In the diagram below we see an "on conventional" also called "ignition switch."
also called delco distributor evolved while systems did now disappear on reaching the last ignition systems. In breaker ignition systems, is the most complex and fulfills more functions, because in addition to distributing the high voltage as its name suggests, controls the power failure of the primary winding through the switch generating the high voltage . It also fulfills the mission of advancing or delaying the point of ignition in the cylinders by a "centrifugal governor" who acts in accordance with the number of engine revolutions and a "regulatory vacuum" that acts combined with the centrifugal governor as the engine load (as this more or less set foot on the accelerator pedal).
The ignition switch covencional for benefits from the implementation of electronics in the automotive world, thus saving the inconvenience of the ignition switch are: the occurrence of misfire at high revs the engine and the wear of the contacts of the switch, forcing the vehicle to pass by workshop every few miles. This type of power is called: "on using electronic "(right picture), the switch is no longer in charge of cutting the power to the coil, this is done by a transistor (T). The switch only has control functions so that it no longer compulsory to go the vehicle by the shop so often, it eliminates the capacitor is no longer necessary and the failure at high speed improved to some extent and there comes a time when the switch contacts causing the usual bounce misfire.
contactless electronic ON
contactosUna electronic ignition without major changes delco distributor or wine produced by replacing the "switch" mechanical element, by a "pulse generator" which is an electronic element. With this type of distribution was achieved on a system called "contactless electronic ignition" as shown in the diagram in the figure below ...
electronic ignition system for discharge condensadorEste also called on thyristor "works in a different way all ignition systems treated here. Its operation is based on charging a capacitor with electrical energy to then download it at this time causing the high voltage jumps the spark in the ignition type bujías.Este applies to vehicles which operate at a high number of revolutions as cars high performance or competition, is not suitable for other vehicles as it has misfire at low revs. Ignition spark plugs is extraordinarily intense. but its duration is very short, which can cause misfiring, to solve this problem increases the separation of the electrodes of the spark plugs to get more length.The transformer used in this type of switch is similar to the conventional ignition coil only in external form, as in its internal construction varies, especially the primary inductance is much lower.As shown in the diagram below the dealer is similar to that used in other power systems, having in this case with a pulse generator such as "induction." Within the electronic control unit have a DC source capable of raising 12V. 400V battery. There is also a capacitor that is charged with the emerging which provides the power supply, then discharged through a thyristor on the primary transformer that generate high voltage reaching each of the plugs through the distributor. As shown here the power transformer has a different mission coil ignition systems with coil, since energy is not accumulated in the transformer, but in the condenser
Monday, May 26, 2008
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the amplifier is (CC) provides high current gain with low output impedance. Can be used as a kind of power gate between a CD and a load current applicant. The CC is a power amplifier and an impedance matching stage. This amplifier is usually the final stage an amplifier output signal, since not only lowers the value of the impedance but provides the power needed to drive the load.
The amplifier has a low input impedance and a relatively high output impedance. The BC can be used as voltage amplifier. This amplifier is less sensitive to frequency than other types of amplifier, and is often used between integrated circuits to provide a wide output frequency range.
When a system is composed of more a transistor stage, it is necessary to connect, or dock, the transistors together. There are many common ways to achieve this understanding between amplifiers. The following sections discuss the direct coupling, capacitive, and optical transformer.
- direct link: Two amplifiers are coupled directly if the output is the first amplifier is connected directly to the input of the second without using capacitors . The AC output of the first stage is superimposed with the level of static cd the second stage. The dc level of the output of the previous stage is added to the dc level of polarization the second stage. To compensate for changes in levels of polarization, in amplifier uses different values \u200b\u200b of voltage sources cd instead of a simple source Vcc.
- Link Capacitive: It is the simplest and most effective way to decouple the effects of dc level of the first stage amplifier, those of the second stage. In capacitor between the dc component of the ac signal. Therefore, the previous stage does not affect the polarization of the next. To ensure that the signal does not change significantly by the addition of a capacitor, it needs to be to behave as a short circuit for all frequencies to amplify.
- Coupling Transformer: can use a transformer for coupling two amplifier stages. This type of coupling is often used when amplifying high frequency signals. The changes are more expensive than capacitors, although their benefits may justify the additional cost. Through an appropriate choice of turns ratio, a transformer can be used either to increase the voltage gain or the current background. For example, oak stage after the amplifier output power in transformer is used to increase the current gain. There are other benefits associated with the use of a transformer. For example, the processor can be tuned to resonate so that it becomes a band pass filter (filter that passes the desired frequencies and attenuates frequencies that fall outside of the band required.)
- Optical coupling: Many applications require optical coupling of electronic circuits. These applications can be classified as follows: - sensitive devices and light emitting light. - Discrete emitters and detectors systems of fiber optic . Module - switch / reflector that detect objects that modify the light path. - Bushings / couplers that transmit electrical signals without electrical connections.
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Los transistores bipolares de juntura tienen diferentes regiones operativas, definidas principalmente por la forma en que son polarizados:
When reverse polarity conditions of operation in active mode, the bipolar transistor starts operating in reverse. In this mode, the emitter and collector regions switch roles. Because most of the TBJ are designed to maximize the current gain in active mode, the parameter beta in reverse mode is drastically less than this in active mode.
A transistor is off when corrientedecolector = corrientedeemisor = 0, (Ic = Ie = 0).
In this case the voltage between the collector and emitter of the transistor is the circuit supply voltage. (As there is no current flowing, there is no voltage drop, see Ohm's Law). This case usually occurs when the base current = 0 (Ib = 0)
- saturation region:
A transistor is saturated when corrientedeemisor = corrientemaxima corrientedecolector = (Ic = Ie = Imaxima).
In this case the magnitude of the current depends on the voltage supply circuit and the resistors connected in the collector or issuer or both, do Ohm's law. This case usually occurs when the base current is large enough to induce a current collector β times larger. (Remember that Ic = β * Ib)
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NPN Transistors consist of a layer of semiconductor material doped P (the "base") between two layers of doped N. A small current entering the base common-emitter configuration is amplified in the collector output.
The arrow in the NPN transistor symbol is on the emitter terminal and pointed in the direction that conventional current runs when the device is in active operation.
The other type of bipolar junction transistor is a PNP with the letters "P" and "N "referring to the majority loads in different regions of the transistor. Few transistors used today are PNP, since the NPN provides much better performance in most circumstances.
PNP transistors consist of a layer of semiconductor material doped N between two layers of doped P. PNP transistors are commonly operated with the collector to ground and the emitter connected to the positive terminal of the power supply through an external electrical load. A small stream flowing from the base allows a much larger current flow from the emitter to the collector.
The arrow on the PNP transistor is the emitter terminal and pointed in the direction that conventional current runs when the device is in active operation.
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The bipolar junction transistor (the English Bipolar Junction Transistor or their initials, BJT) is an electronic device solid consisting of two PN junctions close together, which controls the passage of current through their terminals.
Bipolar transistors are generally used in analog electronics . Also in some applications of digital electronic as or BICMOS TTL technology. A bipolar junction transistor consists of two PN Unions on a single crystal semiconductor, separated by a very narrow region. Are thus formed three regions:
- ISSUER: That differs from the other two to be heavily doped , behaving like a metal.
- BASE: The middle, very close, which separates the emitter from the collector.
- COLLECTOR: Of much greater extent.
OPERATION In a typical configuration, the emitter-base directly and is polarized in the base-collector reverse. Due to thermal agitation of charge carriers can cross the barrier emitter of emitter-base potential and reach the base. In turn, almost all carriers that arrived are driven by the electric field between the base and collector.
The core region of a transistor must be constructively thin so that carriers can diffuse through it in much less time than the minority carrier lifetime of semiconductor, to minimize the percentage carriers that recombine before reaching the base-collector junction. The thickness of the base should be less than the width of diffusion of electrons.
In analog circuit design, power control is used because it is approximately linear. This means that the collector current is approximately β times the base current. Some circuits can be designed assuming the base-emitter voltage is approximately constant, and that the collector current is β times the base current. However, to design circuits using BJT accurately and reliably, it requires the use of mathematical models of the transistor as the Ebers-Moll model .
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