The transistor is an electronic device semiconductor that acts as amplifier, oscillator , switch or rectifier. The term "transistor" is a contraction in English Shuttle resistor (" transfer resistance"). Currently they are found in almost all everyday household goods, radios, televisions, recorders, audio and video players, microwave ovens, washing machines, automobiles, refrigeration equipment, alarms, quartz watches, computers, calculators, printers, fluorescent lamps, X-ray equipment, scanners, ultrasound scanners, mp3 players, cell phones, etc.. Substitute
thermionic valve of three electrodes or triode, the bipolar transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories of EE. UU. in December 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain and William Bradford Shockley , who were awarded the Nobel Prize of Physics in 1956.
The transistor consists of a substrate (usually silicon) and three parts artificially doped two junctions are bipolar, the transmitter that emits carriers, the collector who receives or collects and the third, which is sandwiched between the first two modulates the passage of these carriers (base). Unlike valve, the transistor is a current controlled device and obtained amplified current. In the design of transistor circuits are considered an active element, unlike resistors, capacitors and inductors are passive elements. Its operation can only be explained by quantum mechanics .
In simple terms, the current flowing through the "collector" is amplified function that is injected into the "sender", but the transistor graduates only the current flowing through itself, except from one source DC power is fed the "base" for load flow for the "collector", according to the type of circuit is used. The amplification factor achieved between base current and collector current, the transistor is called Beta. Other parameters to take into account and that are specific to each type of transistor are: Breakdown Voltage Collector Emitter, Base Emitter, Collector Base, Maximum power, heat dissipation, operating frequency, and several tables which are plotted various parameters such as base current, collector emitter voltage, base-emitter voltage, emitter current, etc. The three basic types of schemes use analog transistors are common emitter, common collector and base common.
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