was found that the EC has amplifier gain significant power voltage and high input impedance and output. The high input impedance is desirable, while the high output impedance has some problems . Note that the higher impedance output, the lower the current amplifier can be removed without a significant drop in output voltage. In that is used more for voltage amplification. Exclusion may provide a large output voltage, which becomes the input of the next stage of system.
the amplifier is (CC) provides high current gain with low output impedance. Can be used as a kind of power gate between a CD and a load current applicant. The CC is a power amplifier and an impedance matching stage. This amplifier is usually the final stage an amplifier output signal, since not only lowers the value of the impedance but provides the power needed to drive the load.
The amplifier has a low input impedance and a relatively high output impedance. The BC can be used as voltage amplifier. This amplifier is less sensitive to frequency than other types of amplifier, and is often used between integrated circuits to provide a wide output frequency range.
The amplifier has a low input impedance and a relatively high output impedance. The BC can be used as voltage amplifier. This amplifier is less sensitive to frequency than other types of amplifier, and is often used between integrated circuits to provide a wide output frequency range.
When a system is composed of more a transistor stage, it is necessary to connect, or dock, the transistors together. There are many common ways to achieve this understanding between amplifiers. The following sections discuss the direct coupling, capacitive, and optical transformer.
- direct link: Two amplifiers are coupled directly if the output is the first amplifier is connected directly to the input of the second without using capacitors . The AC output of the first stage is superimposed with the level of static cd the second stage. The dc level of the output of the previous stage is added to the dc level of polarization the second stage. To compensate for changes in levels of polarization, in amplifier uses different values \u200b\u200b of voltage sources cd instead of a simple source Vcc.
- Link Capacitive: It is the simplest and most effective way to decouple the effects of dc level of the first stage amplifier, those of the second stage. In capacitor between the dc component of the ac signal. Therefore, the previous stage does not affect the polarization of the next. To ensure that the signal does not change significantly by the addition of a capacitor, it needs to be to behave as a short circuit for all frequencies to amplify.
- Coupling Transformer: can use a transformer for coupling two amplifier stages. This type of coupling is often used when amplifying high frequency signals. The changes are more expensive than capacitors, although their benefits may justify the additional cost. Through an appropriate choice of turns ratio, a transformer can be used either to increase the voltage gain or the current background. For example, oak stage after the amplifier output power in transformer is used to increase the current gain. There are other benefits associated with the use of a transformer. For example, the processor can be tuned to resonate so that it becomes a band pass filter (filter that passes the desired frequencies and attenuates frequencies that fall outside of the band required.)
- Optical coupling: Many applications require optical coupling of electronic circuits. These applications can be classified as follows: - sensitive devices and light emitting light. - Discrete emitters and detectors systems of fiber optic . Module - switch / reflector that detect objects that modify the light path. - Bushings / couplers that transmit electrical signals without electrical connections.
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