In the diagram below we see an "on conventional" also called "ignition switch."
also called delco distributor evolved while systems did now disappear on reaching the last ignition systems. In breaker ignition systems, is the most complex and fulfills more functions, because in addition to distributing the high voltage as its name suggests, controls the power failure of the primary winding through the switch generating the high voltage . It also fulfills the mission of advancing or delaying the point of ignition in the cylinders by a "centrifugal governor" who acts in accordance with the number of engine revolutions and a "regulatory vacuum" that acts combined with the centrifugal governor as the engine load (as this more or less set foot on the accelerator pedal).
The ignition switch covencional for benefits from the implementation of electronics in the automotive world, thus saving the inconvenience of the ignition switch are: the occurrence of misfire at high revs the engine and the wear of the contacts of the switch, forcing the vehicle to pass by workshop every few miles. This type of power is called: "on using electronic "(right picture), the switch is no longer in charge of cutting the power to the coil, this is done by a transistor (T). The switch only has control functions so that it no longer compulsory to go the vehicle by the shop so often, it eliminates the capacitor is no longer necessary and the failure at high speed improved to some extent and there comes a time when the switch contacts causing the usual bounce misfire.
contactless electronic ON
contactosUna electronic ignition without major changes delco distributor or wine produced by replacing the "switch" mechanical element, by a "pulse generator" which is an electronic element. With this type of distribution was achieved on a system called "contactless electronic ignition" as shown in the diagram in the figure below ...
electronic ignition system for discharge condensadorEste also called on thyristor "works in a different way all ignition systems treated here. Its operation is based on charging a capacitor with electrical energy to then download it at this time causing the high voltage jumps the spark in the ignition type bujías.Este applies to vehicles which operate at a high number of revolutions as cars high performance or competition, is not suitable for other vehicles as it has misfire at low revs. Ignition spark plugs is extraordinarily intense. but its duration is very short, which can cause misfiring, to solve this problem increases the separation of the electrodes of the spark plugs to get more length.The transformer used in this type of switch is similar to the conventional ignition coil only in external form, as in its internal construction varies, especially the primary inductance is much lower.As shown in the diagram below the dealer is similar to that used in other power systems, having in this case with a pulse generator such as "induction." Within the electronic control unit have a DC source capable of raising 12V. 400V battery. There is also a capacitor that is charged with the emerging which provides the power supply, then discharged through a thyristor on the primary transformer that generate high voltage reaching each of the plugs through the distributor. As shown here the power transformer has a different mission coil ignition systems with coil, since energy is not accumulated in the transformer, but in the condenser