After having discovered (actually rediscovered) the benefits of an approach KISS (keep it simple stupid ! ) For SO2R controller implemented the part that corresponds to the driver of PTT / KEY which have been tested and works well. However, in testing the driver I have the audio cable directly rig2 rig1 and the L and R channels of the headphones directly. If you want to listen to one of them I have to go or to filter or plate wave mixer sound and silence (mute), simply lower the volume of the rig I do not want to hear is not a comfortable choice, on one hand the radio is on my back and, second, to work carefully to calibrate the audio has a similar level (as perceived by each ear) for the joint operation does not generate fatigue quickly. I can quickly lower the volume of the radios, but then recalibrate the level I require. For its part mute channels require 3 to 5 mouse clicks, it is not comfortable with either for a quick response. Perhaps with more practice I will be able to hold hearing in both ears simultaneously, and in fact I can handle that no signal and noise in one another, but at this point if I try to operate with signals in both ears simultaneously very difficult for me to decode what is in one ear if I'm listening to a contact in the other, I have no idea how many additional hours of practice that will be needed to acquire that skill (or even if I can, by their own physiological limitations, some After doing so). Reading the article Dani (EA5FV) a previous post the shows SO2R audio controller only very simple, yet its simplicity lies in having a push-button key that it supports can be difficult to achieve. I guess someone may have some of disarmament, but buying a new may not be easy. Basically it is a key that has three two-way investor contacts each operating in a manner that while a key are normally closed (NC) the other two are normally open (NO), the control scheme is attached for convenience.
The controller is wired so that the central key when rig1 is pressed to route the headset and the other rig2 (A + B) . Pressing other keys ( A ) the audio is routed to channel L and R from the rig1 and the other key ( B) audio is routed to both channels from the rig2. Then both or selectively listening to any of the rig is to press a key, I think much faster than any other arrangement. While the key is not achieved easily this can be replaced by two relays A more common 12F675 microcontroller to operate them. The general idea is that at rest, the controller is off or newly initialized, the routing is the one for A + B . The two relays are connected to the outputs GP0 and GP1 . Two relays allow four combinations and it takes 3 (A + B, A and B) so that you can deploy. Sendos buttons are connected to the inputs GP2 (A + B) , GP3 (A) and GP4 (B) , the buttons have a pull resistance to give a solid high (+5 V) if NO microswitch is not checked. Pressing the A + B, the microcontroller will be reset. Pressing the correspondiene to A driver issued 00000001B (0x01) activated so as to route the audio active rig1, pressing the B for the driver issues 00000010B (0x02) way to route the audio from rig2. In fact the remaining sequence ( 00000011B) is not necessary but in this configuration'll just reverse the audio of the two radio receiver. The microcontroller software to run this sequence is trivial (but still did not write). With all that I'm not sure I would have time to build and test this design by CQ DX MM next weekend, the design is trivial but in the construction and debugging are a few hours of work, hours playing this week hide and seek with me.
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