A few years ago we had begun to develop with my wife Mary have concerns about our son Peter, then 4 or 5 years. His activity in the kindergarten was not all him, and received complaints from teachers besides continuing the spent long periods in the direction, by acting out, of course.
But one day that changed, we received a note in the bulletin saying "Pedrito nap sleep well today. ." Apparently the boys in the living room had a nap mid-morning and had managed the feat of not doing any baton during the event, which no doubt thrilled the "sign" enough to be noted in the newsletter. With all that was trivial, means for us the beginning of a trend. Today is Dr. Pedrito Pedro Ernesto Colla Machado and is an outstanding professional and a great person, and while it has taken many important achievement since then nothing can hide it all started sleeping well, a nap, which is all a metaphor find something good when not expected.
Today in the mail I received the certificate from the CQ WPX CW 2010 where he had participated for the first time in an international competition in my life, the turnout was so marginal that not even commented on the blog. Only I did towards the end of the contest and only got 3 contacts with 2 multipliers (3M2!!). Basically I did it to see how it was, as the forms were sent as it was administratively. To my surprise a score so small enough for Argentina to win in the category. Of course that does not mean anything competitively, the only explanation is that he was the only involved in Argentina. But has all the flavor of surprise to expect nothing and get something. It is a nice flavor. Hopefully, in terms of contests, follow the family tradition established by my son to start "doing well a nap."
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