Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Multiviewer Blog Spot

organizers Clarifications CQ WW 2010

had originally understood that the rules of the competition CQ WW CW 2010 had a category SO SB 10 Mts QRP (A) . A reference in the Yahoo group LU-CG referencing the letter of the rules as they are published made me understand that strictly speaking the category Assisted SO SB categorized not by power, ie HP, LP QRP and competing together. This really is bad news for whoever is the benefit of the operator assisted mode, I now know that is rather marginal, in any way sufficient to compensate for the difference in power. Especially between HP and QRP. Yet that is precisely what is done in competitions such as the ARRL DX CW where OS / SB together consolidate all powers.
But then an old entry in the same group LU-CG questioned this interpretation, asked in the forum with no response.
To cut to the chase I wrote a note to Cox Bob (K3EST) who is the director of the competition which I politely replied:
---- Respuesta de Bob (K3EST) ----
Dear Pedro,
Thank you for your letter.
Yes, there are several new separate categories as follows:
  • HP all band
  • HP all band assisted
  • HP single band
  • HP single band assisted
  • LP all band
  • LP all band assisted
  • LP single band
  • LP single band assisted
  • QRP all band
  • QRP all band assisted
  • QRP single band
  • QRP single band assisted
The HP/LP all and single band will be listed as they always have been (low power with an *).The HP/LP all band and single band assisted will be listed under assisted (low power with an *)The QRP/assisted will be listed under QRP with assisted having an *.
So, there are several new categories: LP assisted AB and SB and QRP assisted.I hope this answers your question.
If you have any more questions please let me know.
73Bob, K3EST
Response ---- End Bob (K3EST) ----
The answer is very specific and leaves little room for doubt, it remains to be seen as a contest of such prestige and level of participation makes such a change in the rules and do not bother to publish it.
In any case it re-establishes expectations WW at first be claimed in category Mts SO SB 10 (A) QRP. To be consistent
moved the needle I have this expectation of a result because the way I measure the output is in terms of improvement over my own performance regardless of how it classifies me, at the same time the number of participants are not so great. If you take a reference say I had a very similar score to that achieved by those who claimed at the tap category Mts QRP SO SB 10 would have gone to the point that the 2nd WW in that category (I do not think, again, that the status of assisted much things change in a way QRP). This way of measuring
made when it appeared he consolidated all power and I lost in the table in a distant 9th place that had no effect.
To be consistent this clarification in the opposite direction does not change things too much. This year I will be able to participate SO SB 10 Mts QRP and try to get 10% more points, and competitors say what position that puts me.


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