less known are the configurations of BJT differential amplifier, current mirror and the Darlington amplifier. These circuits all require two transistors, Which Should Be the Same type and Have Closely matched for best performance parameters. These circuits require two transistors, which should be the same type and have been very close parameters for better performance. For clarity, all circuits Are Drawn Without bias circuits. For clarity, all circuits are made without bias circuits. Note That The Same dog Also Be circuits made with FET's and MOSFET's. Note that the same circuitry can also be done with FET's and MOSFET. If PNP transistors Are Used, power supply polarity reversed Should Be. When using PNP transistors, the power supply polarity must be reversed. Sometimes
Also known as a programmable current mirror this unusual configuration uses two matched transistors Closely With their bases in parallel. also sometimes known as a programmable current mirror is unusual configuration uses two transistors very close to their bases in parallel. The base current is Supplied via R1 and Will Have Both transistors identical base currents. The base current is supplied through R1 and transistors both have identical base currents. Are Because the matched transistors, and Have the Same forward current gain, collector current I Then 2 Will Be the Same as I 1 . Because the transistors are matched, and have the same current gain interest, then the collector current I 2 be the same as I 1.
The darlington amplifier circuit is a SP, and have the Advantage of Providing a very high current gain, high input impedance and Higher output power. The Darlington amplifier circuit is a useful and has the advantage of providing a very high current gain, high input impedance and higher output power. (It is Not NECESSARY to use matched transistors here) and Often you see a Small signal transistor driving to larger power transistor. The current gain is the product of Both Approximately Q1 and Q2 GAINS forward current. (It is not necessary to use transistors matched here) and is often a smaller transistor driving signal a larger power transistor. The current gain is approximately the product of both Q1 and Q2 earnings today forward. One point to note That is as Q1 Q2 emitter base is connected to the bias voltage V is required be1 + V be2 . A point to note is that, as an emitter of Q1 is connected to the Q2 base bias voltage required is V + V be2 BE1. This Must Be taken Into account when to Designing bias circuits for the darlington amplifier. This should taken into account when designing circuits for amplifier bias Darlington.
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