Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Night Live Napster Waynes World

Transistor Bipolar de Heterounion

The heterojunction bipolar transistor (TBH) is a improvement of the BJT that can handle very high frequency signals up to several hundreds of GHz is a very common device nowadays in ultrafast circuits, RF systems generally.

heterojuntura transistors have different semiconductor transistor elements. Usually the issuer is made by a band of material longer than the base. This helps reduce the minority carrier injection from the base when the emitter-base is directly polarized and this increases the efficiency of the injection of the issuer. Enhanced carrier injection in the base allows this may have a higher level of doping, which resulting in less resistance. With a conventional junction transistor, also known as bipolar transistor homojuntura, the efficiency of carrier injection from the emitter to the base is mainly determined by the level of doping between the emitter and base. Because the base must be lightly doped to allow high carrier injection efficiency, its resistance is relatively high.
Posted by: Emmanuel Angel


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