Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pilonidal Sinus Infection And Herpes

WAE CW 2010 (Final Results)

arrived via email the final results WAE CW Contest 2010 (Work All Europe) .
In retrospect this was the first international competition I participated in a substantial number of hours and got some results in due course participation ( strictly Search & Pounce then) although modest in number of contacts had been a very rich, especially QTC mode this contest proposed. At the time I sent forms with a score of claimed 114M94 with QTC's 101.
The overall ranking shows that I ended up having 105M89 with QTC 99 which places me in position 99 in the overall standings SO AB LP in which I participated. In terms of South America I'm in the 9th position , which taking account those who were above and below is not bad.
Interestingly more finite analysis of the results to outline future strategies, in particular I have better scores than other stations that had more QSO just because I have more boxes and QTC, the role of multipliers and how easy it one in the midst of shooting you miss them is an aspect that requires a delicate balance on which requires experience to handle it as "intuitive."
As analyzed in time is a very unequal contest in which to participate (perhaps that makes it challenging).
First structure category has no SB or QRP, so the category items that give me greater standing to have a good performance do not exist.
Secondly, the geographical structure makes stations closest to Europe (Africa, Middle East and even North America) have a chance to run much more significant than we have in SA.
Third organizers make no attempt to recognize these differences (opening or installing a classification categories continental separately).
But while it is good to recognize that they have an impeccable organization, good documentation, a tremendous willingness to address any questions, the results presented in the various stages of processing and finally even a very detailed analysis showing that processing points regarding unclaimed lost and why. Even the mistakes that other stations have committed to us and cost them points.
This material can (and should) be used to scan that operational errors were made and see if they can be overcome, such tendencies to confuse certain letters or trend of our correspondents to take our transmission with a wrong bias in particular.
overall error rate was in the order of 10% , which is high and with room for improvement but is far better than horrific rate difference between claimed and actual experienced in the IARU contest (immediate participation above). This is a negative aspect of long periods of time from when you participate in a contest until you have the results, the "feedback loop " about operational issues is more protracted than is desirable. But this contest in all partially offset this problem more wealth in return for the organizers. Also driven away the prospect due to subsequent units, the QSO rate and total number was a success and personal achievement at the time, at this point has been largely overcome by successive participations in other skills.
In short, the result is great for not having any competitive aspiration and for being my first competition with a strong participation. There is no doubt that in the absence of any professional or personal conflict that prevents me will be this year's edition WAE 2011.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Certificate Of Appreciation Wordings

SO2R Controller (Updated) More

In a previous post alluded to as part of the migration between platforms AATest contests N1MM and I had to make changes in the manipulator, the changes were really simple, converter basically a DB-25 to DB-9 and then a small bridge to allow PTT to manipulate and make the interface as required by N1MM as you can handle CwType without changing cables.
modifications, but that changes even the driver itself, are trivially simple, on occasions, I wonder whether or not value in the blog to share something so simple.
My conclusion after reflecting a bit (not much ...) on the subject was that this blog is definitely my notebook, only age and trivial modification somewhere it has to be targeted. But another reason I think is important is to convey the notion of how simple it is this type of interfaces and what type of simple modifications that may require a relatively important (or at least it looks pompous) and may be a change "platform" technically soldiers 4 cables and a few minutes time.
One story is how easy it can be built SO2R controller, a completely different story is use SO2R controller. To begin the use
CwGet as DSP / filter necessarily required to use two sound cards, the problem is that even the latest version CwGet opens the sound card MONO mode therefore not possible to capture two different signals (from two separate transceivers connected to the SO2R). In the latest version of the authors introduced the ability to make the signal plate mode with MONO or making it work in STEREO taken from the channel or I R . Actually the right channel does not seem to be going well, but that is either a mistake on my part or a bug in the implementation and not an architectural problem. As one would with the "ease" to set up a CwGet to take the right channel and another left from two separate transceivers SO2R. However, the authors, who seem to have difficulty doing things quite well, decided that no matter what the settings into the output would MONO . Ie two instances of departure CwGet simply mix together in the same channel rendering it unusable. That makes sense if it is used to decode CW CwGet and not as a filter / DSP, but for the former is totally useless in a context contester (actually completely useless in most contexts) while the latter is really good. Final result, each instance of CwGet with its own board. What creates the problem of equalization of sound.
does not take an audiophile (disto enough of it) to detect differences, even lower, between two sound sources. The ear is a marvel in this sense, or a curse in relation to this configuration. To complicate things a bit I find that I made a mistake by purchasing the plate. Basically I bought a plate mini USB (formatted dongle USB) which has only input and output MIC SPEAKER . In the motherboard plate (a generic quality AC97-haired fourth-down) signal is input by the input LINE-IN, this entry is relatively insensitive and allows some flexibility in the audio flow is injected from the transceiver. However, the board "dongle" enters the signal MIC which has a much greater sensitivity and therefore low tolerance for audio flow, without additional adapters is very critical adjustment of the volume completely closed (where the relationship signal to noise is terrible) and flow volume saturation occurs. The result is devilishly difficult to get the two plates delivered (with respect to each ear) audio streams similar.
Moreover, the ear seems to differentiate subtle differences in audio response of both plates (more acute or more severe) making the signal in one ear over the other highlight. Finally, it is no news for doctors but for me I'm an engineer, both ears are very different in their response to the flow and frequency.
Learning to chew glass, if possible use one sound card, if this is not possible to be both equal and if this is not possible for the two plates can be fed through LINE-IN . Finally, there a limit to the performance that you can get a generic plate that is typically found in every PC, to boot anything goes, but quickly found the limits to which the plates can become more economical but less yielding.
Beyond these considerations, the most formidable barrier facing an SO2R controller is not technical but physiological. The first time you hear on both ears is a wonder, almost a toy, you begin to tune into the CAT two stations simultaneously. But he quickly discovered a drawback, does not understand any of the two stations, the only way to understand one is to silence the other. So the SO2R in the first connection is useful to tune but not for work. In fact not even have to have two signals, it suffices that there noise in a signal and the other for that you can not understand it either.
In another aspect, and already a few, the literature oversimplifies contester, "put a SO2R and start making many more points" or "increase the productivity of their dead run times ...". Minga! Habituation and training required, like everything else. The talented do it without effort, the rest of us have to paddling.
be required to start a 4 to 6 hours of continuous listening to get used to receive sound in one ear and signal on the other, making training not only the ear but the brain to focus on one and ignore the other (and is only one signal and noise in the other). Then it takes between 2 and 4 hours additional listener to listen for signals in both ears and only concentrate on one (not turn, but always ignore the same signal). You just need to tune a mark at some frequency, use the beacon effect Victor (LU3HFA) operates 28190 KHz.
is, you have to put considerable time just to listen to the SO2R controller. And still have to use it effectively! Hear something that is not static in the ear that is ignored and let alone understand what both ears hear ... I do not yet certainly there so I have no idea what to wear.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vintage Krementz Jewelry

simple DSB transceiver for 10 Mts

This simple transceiver, cited by George (G3XBM) on your blog and appeared in a forum published by an author who does not mention his license, is based on a hybrid NE602 and mixer SBL-1. The latter are difficult to find in Argentina but in some households may obtain or otherwise can be bought online and receive by mail. The domain
QRPp projects DSB designs are taking some momentum. This occurs as an expression of balance between making the provision of telephony and maintain equipment minimal. In this blog we have explored designs that try to get a team SSB QRPp with the intensive use of SDR techniques (which is still in conceptual design phase). But teams like DSB give a benefit at a fraction of the complexity of assembly. At the same time, nothing prevents the use of SDR techniques to "increase" provision, in particular the reception. Much has been discussed on two negative aspects of DSB type design. One is the sideband "spurious" and its ability to generate interference and other problems peculiar to tune in a direct conversion receiver and the image problem. Regarding the first authors tend to outline the argument, which I share, that if the output is from a few hundred mW interference that can generate side-band "extra" are not deleted in the order of any computer that can generate a conventional 100W. Regarding the second problem although there can be mitigated through the use of software receivers (type M0KGK or similar). One aspect which caught my attention repeatedly DSB designs is that they are a source of inspiration for designs based on SDR SSB, in effect, with a few adjustments to the oscillator and the mixing process, account settings and components are similar.
I have not made much progress in QRPp designs, some of the austral summer that does not invite to be working in leisure, and partly because I have been little time at home during the summer (vacations and business trips later.) But winter comes ..... so there you go heating welders!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Methodology Of Makabuhay Plant

N1MM Welcome!

As planned I set to work, and reconfigured my station contester about N1MM program.
The install process always ends up being simple to take care to read the manual first and methodically follow the steps to install the software to configure it first and then, years of experience installing crap in every environment imaginable and countless nights fighting with the consequences of not being meticulous and methodical help.
all starts down the latest base and all subsequent updates, ensures that any version that is on the machine (a test product) is first uninstalled and re-boot machine . This is necessary because the N1MM installs a driver that to be completely removed beyond doubt requires a reboot.
After installing the basic version ( N1MM-FullInstaller.exe ) and all the "patches " existing on the site (at the time it got was 12) in increasing order of number and date of release.
then configure the basic data of the station and the DX Cluster (in my case via Telnet but can be via packet).
found desirable to modify the handling interface to use the parallel port (LPT ) could manipulate the serial port as it did before with AATest N1MM but the configuration does not support SO2R (Single Radio Operator-2) with serial port. Actually ended up being very simple adjustment, just a cable DB-25 to DB-9 using the pin 1 and Gnd, pin 3 as Selector rig1/rig2 and pin 17 and Key (for now I did not add PTT, KISS! ) online respectively Gnd / TxD / DTR in the DB-9. Voila! Walk went very well and the N1MM could manipulate the two radios when the port was configured properly. Very interesting to see the program operate in this mode, the ability of trading, dueling and a huge amount of detailed settings that I have not digested at all (although they are detailed in the extensive documentation !!!). Remained the problem that the operation was still taking the contest suite AALog - CwType and although the latter supports the operation of an LPT parallel port is only able to push the pins 1 to 9 ( why not struck me that the authors of this software do everything in their particular way without paying attention to what other programs do ..?); finally the solution was quite simple, as the LPT port pin 5 is not used by N1MM put it in parallel with the pin 17 and holy remedy, the interface can be used both by the CwType as N1MM without walking the plugging and unplugging.
The last hurdle was the setting for the CAT. N1MM effectively giving control of CAT equipment accessing a rich integrated interface between the logging window, the bandplan and the cluster. But N1MM to do so takes control of the CAT and therefore implies that I can tune from the DSP filter waterfall ( CwGet ) very difficult decision, the first feature looks very attractive and the second is the much needed know this by experience. A natural way to solve it would be if N1MM bear OmniRig but the documentation makes no reference. Checking in N1MM support forum on Yahoo ( N1MMLogger ) I confirmed that indeed OmniRig is not supported, and there are even some " negative vibration" in the responses suggests that there will never be. The solution "natural" for such cases is to have a N1MM Application Program Interface (API) that would write an extension module, for example by a DLL, to support devices that are not specifically considered in the main program, this is the solution "classic" from the point of view of software engineering when it is desired to incorporate as part of the all possible variants of external modules, all very nice but not N1MM is such a thing.
Fortunately I found a program called Virtual Serial Port Emulator (vspeed) produced by the firm Eterlogic that just allows for different configurations of virtual serial ports, in particular one that interested me is called splitter where one real serial port is party (split ) up to 8 virtual serial ports can be opened by application paths, each "seeing" as an exclusive port. In this way the physical port COM6 is split into 2 copies COM8 virtual port and physical port COM7 is split as 2 copies of the virtual port COM5. A couple are assigned to N1MM COM8/COM5 to rig1/rig2 and the other pair to OmniRig. For his part depend CwGet OmniRig, HamPort, AALog and throughout the suite. There are some unwanted interaction whereby as the frequency gets 671417.33 N1MM but mostly its occurrence can be reduced to the point of being able to live with it.
Finally with this configuration SO2R station was doing several tests, all successful in taking advantage of el fin de semana transcurrió el Russian DX Contest en el que si bien no participé me dió abundantes estaciones de fondo en las distintas bandas para practicar con el SO2R. Todavía me queda ajustar el contenido de las macros del N1MM para emitir los mensajes concurseros y ajustar el CWType para dejar solo las macros que sean relevantes a DX dado que no serán mas necesarias las de concursos.
La configuración y los cambios son suficientemente grandes como para hacer deseable ponerlos en práctica antes del siguiente concurso; en el calendario actual eso ocurrirá recién en Mayo asi que es probable que apunte a una participación "liviana" en algún concurso de los disponibles durante Abril, el Manchester-Mineira CQ DX looks like a good candidate even has a division of unfavorable category SB SO QRP operation because it consolidates power, but perhaps is a good opportunity to test equipment without too many competing objectives.
2011 ... here we go ....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Multiplication Chart 1 -50

CQ WPX SSB 2011 (Preliminary II)

It comes CQ WPX SSB 2011 edition . In the absence of problems doing my first experience will participate in multi-operator from the LQ5H with Victor (LU3HS) and Alejandro (LW7HT) . The category is M / S HP , so too will be my first experience at HP. Victor
station is substantially more equipped than mine, and both he and Alexander have extensive experience in competitions of this kind in almost all settings and categories. In addition to competitive teams in their season Victor has a field of antennas that includes bands that I'm too lazy or I have no coverage at my station (160, 80 and 15 meters) so it is possible to point to a true multi-band operation as required by the M / S.
There is still a run plan, I guess half will take the form prior to the contest by reviewing the actual spread and the other half on the fly depending on what, as they say the lines of Tom Hanks in Castaway , ".... which will bring tide ...."
is therefore a unique opportunity for me to access an operating environment at this time and my skills and my station I operating permit. The opportunities should be exploited.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shelby Mustnag Shower Curtain

CQ WPX SSB 2011 (Preliminary)

It comes in little more than a couple of weeks the CQ WPX SSB 2011, one of the big tournaments of the season. My intention is to specialize in skills mostly CW mode SO / SB or SO / AB while take advantage of SSB to perform from team efforts in categories M / S or M / M . An initiative in this direction to form a team under LU4HH Radio Club Cordoba has been so far arrested a number of internal issues of the club who do not advisable to address an initiative that will require resources and focus, either conditions too available at this time. On the other hand we started to talk doing so from the station LQ5H ( Victor, LU3HS ) together with the and Alejandro (LW7HT) , but we have not finalized anything, I think we can do until next week I'll be back in LU / H.
If these possibilities are not realized I will consider participating in 10Mts SO SB (A) LP , I would like to participate in Mts SO SB 10 (A) QRP but not a category that is listed in rules (although the rules as I learned in CQ WW does not stand out as clear and updated.) While not enough to prioritize the participation in this mode (vs. M / S or M / M) I have some interest in trying out all the changes that brought them into the station (N1MM, SO2R, SR1011 Ant, Ant 4BTV if I arrive on time, etc) before the next CW contest that just happen in two months in May .
The CONDX have been very good in 10 Mts lately as the forums and seem to reflect the times I've looked at lately cluster (several weeks ago that I'm not at my station).
Using VOACAP to outline a plan which (see figure) shows that there is something more than 13 hours per day of good conditions to Europe, USA and Japan (solar state data today) the first day and in the order 10 hours the second because as I watched the JA stations do not count in the 2nd day due to the time difference puts them at the beginning of his business Monday.
be opened marginally conditions for Europe, Africa and the Near East around 1200Z (9am Argentina), more solidly around 1600Z (1pm Argentina) and there remain more or less stable turning as the hours progress U.S. to USA and from there to the JA to aproximadaemente 0400Z (1:00 a.m. Argentina) the next day and made except that the 2nd day is shorter.
This gives approximately 23 hours of competition net in this mode so that taking into account the rate obtained in CQ WW SSB 2010 of 20 QSO / hour more a challenge than 20% improvement would QSO with 60 552 prefixes ( 552M60 is the goal then.) I'm actually putting me improvement goals between QRP and LP shares, either, and the reason is I do not believe that the limitation on the rates of contacts is still in power but in my operational ability. At some point I will reach the point where the power starts to be the rate-limiting real and has to be taken into account to draw the participation strategy and objectives, but still missing.
The configuration of equipment used will be the Kenwood TS140 as rig1 (Run) and the Yaesu FT100D as rig2 (S & P), I have curiosity to see how it is to operate SO2R on phone after making a first (albeit partial) experience as well as CW will be the entire conversion system based on N1MM SO2R.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Electric Facial Boston

The logger competitions

Having decided to shelve AATest due to problems in maintaining the integrity of the data in a reliable, consistent lack of support and non-existent documentation begin what promises to go be a substantial learning curve to get a handle on some familiarity with the program that provides free N1MM . Given the wealth of functions and elements to configure guess it takes an appreciable time to take advantage in some depth what it can offer. Just a cursory reading shows that the scope of the program is equally profound for CW, SSB and digital modes (RTTY, PSK, etc). The documentation looks stunning with over 400 pages with all kinds of functions, macros, tips and suggested settings. As is well established in several parts of the features offered are so specialized that end advising " .... if you can not serve this function to leave it as it is !!... ."
I am slowly setting up a basic configuration that when you return to Argentina on my machine can display radio testing different combinations of macros and settings database. However, the party will most likely have to work with the equipment interface and that I can not do until you are back.
For now I know that there will be conflict in the use of CAT as N1MM provides its own services for remote control of equipment, but does not provide a way to integrate external programs to process signals (such as filters in my case ) or tuned via an interface to external waterfall. To keep doing that with the combination CwGet + OmniRig can not let N1MM take control of the respective serial ports. So I need 2 ports two separate series for CAT SO2R configuration under the control OmniRig and other 2 ports for two separate series under the control of manipulators N1MM. Another alternative is to manipulate LPT port (for which I have to change the keyer interface) as in this case with a single port can control two computers. Curiously not provide the possibility to control the manipulation that goes radio by pin serial port and if done with a pin LPT port. N1MM
also provides support for tuning by OmniRig therefore can not share ports with the series. This has further negative aspect that will not help all the provisions that have the software to control N1MM tuning of the equipment involved, especially in modes assisted "from the data stream coming from the cluster.
The alternative to using 4 serial ports and 3 serial ports plus an LPT port can be to use a splitter serial port as virtual serial port provided by the company Eterlogic (vspeed) but will have to test carefully possible interactions between such thing walking at the same time trying to control the same hardware resources.
A small bonus, surprisingly, was found in the documentation of N1MM a reference to a program I wrote some time ago called TelMgr whose purpose was present as a gateway to telnet to an AGW Packet Engine ; long that program is in legacy mode (ie without active support and new versions). But it has been stable for a long time and its purpose is so dimensioned that can continue to function indefinitely until some change in the operating system introduced some change (such as Microsoft usually does) that causes that no longer work. Figure under the authorship of my old license (LU7DID) but still can be downloaded from my website at .
going to be important to see how you can evaluate how it works once it's set at the station and all the hardware already deployed settings, experience in the ARRL DX shows that one can not expect the competition to do so. But then there are contests in which thinking involved at my station until May (the first date of Argentine HF and CQ WPX CW), before that is the CQ WPX in which it appears that will participate in an M / M from LQ5H or Russian DX that has no category that catches my attention (AB Mixed QRP only). Ingeniarmelas so I'll have to try everything in normal QSO. It is a platform worthy of respect it deserves appreciation to those who have taken so much work to put at our disposal.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Do Womens Feet Stink With Nylons

N1MM IARU HF Championship (Final Scores)

In the post I made Claudio Fernandez (LU7DW) Forum LU-CG displayed the final scores of the contests in its 2010 edition. In the SO CW QRP category for South America, the results are SO CW QRP:
LU1DCB (op LU6DO) 1st SA (120M47 23124)
LU8EHR the 2nd SA (27M19 1045)
LU7HZ 3rd SA (15M10 550)
Claudio then I confirmed that the score was confirmed 15M10, which multipliers is similar to what is claimed but half (!!). QSO
All of the scores look details can be found at the site of the ARRL to analyze the degree of detail needed.
Having been my first international competition and limited participation any outcome is good, but I am struck by the difference between claimed and recognized (what can produce such a difference? participants who did not send the return? "wrong number of series taken?).
One issue that continues to draw attention to me, and which does not yet heard any convincing explanation, it is because it takes so long to publish the results of the competitions. Once you close the shipment of returns, and assuming that the majority are submitted in electronic format is a matter of hours to get the scores with all the crosses and checks imaginable. Even assuming volunteer exercised at the discretion of "the best "in the final editing and publication of the results have to wait between 6 months and 1 year (in some cases until the next edition of the competition, in some cases even later) does not make much sense. From the point of view of a learning process is quite counterproductive, if one has a weakness when he learns competitive and committed several times.

comparing the QSO / multiple claims with the given. The pattern that seems to appear is a massive loss points of contacts on 10 meters (?) where 3 / 4 of the items claimed were not for the reason it was granted. In 40 meters was something like half. At 20 and 15 meters there was no this problem directly.

Looking more closely at the database with scores meeting recognized that almost 2 / 3 corresponds to the missing stations are not recognized scoring (Could not they have sent form? would not be participating in this contest ?), While the remaining 1 / 3 if you are so I can only speculate that the problem was that or took bad exchange, or I took it wrong or I gave as valid contact and they do not (being my first competition I do not discard any of the three as a possible cause.)

With a learning perspective to the next where he won the contest in the category SO QRP was HA8BE ( 914M227 588838 !!!), I find it hard to imagine how such a score to give .... only in No. 42 appears LU1DCB as the first in SA, 77 LU8EHR and I appear in 87 (three colleagues from Brazil that made me the huge gauchada of submit forms with few contacts to avoid the uncomfortable position of being last ☺).

More interesting is to observe, in view of participation in planning the 2011 edition, as is the use of bands. For stations SA (all categories) 72% of the QSO took place on 40 and 20 meters, whereas 15 meters is also 89%, meaning that for stations in SA the rest of the bands is irrelevant. For example 10 meters only captures 3% of all contacts.

If I restrict the analysis to my own category, 70% of all QSO took place on 15 meters while 92% in 15 and 20 meters, 40 and 10 meters were relatively irrelevant with just under 4% each, the rest of the bands does not exist in QRP. When it comes up a bit multipliers importance of 10 and 40 meters who happen to accumulate nearly 16% of the many achievements while Lowering the contribution of 15 and 20 meters.

In the original analysis of participation it had found 40 meters QRP at that time was not a sustainable source of QSO, even considering that is my first participation exclusively Search & Pounce (S & P).

strategy for the forthcoming IARU 2011 is clearly having a good chance to run in 15 and 20 meters and using the building (I hope to have well-developed and practiced for then) SO2R achieve adequate S & P 10 and 40 meters , the target score is obtained by LU1DCB 120M47 this year or more.

The end result of this issue is thus a story, my first international competition and with the participation of only a few hours, all gain.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Melina Velba Breast Milk

HF Propagation (Tutorial NM7M)

's excellent tutorial HF propagation of Dr. Bob Brown (NM7M, SK) scored by Thierry (ON4SKY) can be followed in fairly plain language (although English ) explanation of how the basic mechanisms of ionospheric propagation as predicted. Then it explores the major stressors that although not fully be predicted given the chaotic nature of the phenomena involved may operate with corrections to be taken into account. The material was written some time ago (it shows because they provide referrals to what happened several solar cycles ago) and have annotations made by Thierry latest, yet most of the material already has some old but is updated in that respect universal phenomena for which the state of science has not made significant progress since the material was written. One of the interesting findings that the material expressed is that once you understand the phenomena VOACAP program has most of them into account what is a resource that should be considered when making any predictions propagation, a link to a Web online version of this program can be found useful links between this blog. During the reading, quite enjoyable considering the potential dryness of subject matter, maintaining the foot in the field of applications for radio, DX and contests although not so many references are appealing to math and literature. A pdf version of this material can also be downloaded from here .

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nausea And Dizziness In The Afternoon And Evening

Toy Cute (and surprising) with LM555

Sencillito circuits have a broad appeal. Can be assembled in a "little bit" out of one, you can use for a beginner to assemble more or less on their first project insurance and walk .... and above all things almost always are trivial enough to not pay much attention.
I say usually because every once in a while a very simple circuit but whose operation is not as trivial or obvious, and in fact takes us by surprise with his guard down because we had happened to us face to "that side "to achieve the same result.
I refer to the tests with a design released by Pedro Ghiano (LU3HGP) although originally appeared in the forum GQRP which uses the timeless and very versatile LM555 integrated but as .... AM receiver.
to me at least it is new, and once I read the explanation of its operation is simple and intuitive ...... one is always looking to make an AM receiver with a 555. RF signal, presumably intense as you would with a broadcasting or a sign of good intensity, is tuned by the set of L +100 pF. It produces the shot in advance or delay the natural frequency given by the set R of 555 +0.01 uF pace of audio frequency. The resulting signal is pulse modulated audio compoennte rescue the original signal. Simple, but not first occur to us as a solution. Perhaps the proposed design for the original article can be improved a bit (ie make a ferrite coil Spica radio to make it smaller, or make the variable capacitor a polyvarycon). But certainly Simplite circuit that can provide the basis for a fun afternoon of construction or starting point for a would-be "master craftsman welder ." Recommended.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Multiviewer Blog Spot

organizers Clarifications CQ WW 2010

had originally understood that the rules of the competition CQ WW CW 2010 had a category SO SB 10 Mts QRP (A) . A reference in the Yahoo group LU-CG referencing the letter of the rules as they are published made me understand that strictly speaking the category Assisted SO SB categorized not by power, ie HP, LP QRP and competing together. This really is bad news for whoever is the benefit of the operator assisted mode, I now know that is rather marginal, in any way sufficient to compensate for the difference in power. Especially between HP and QRP. Yet that is precisely what is done in competitions such as the ARRL DX CW where OS / SB together consolidate all powers.
But then an old entry in the same group LU-CG questioned this interpretation, asked in the forum with no response.
To cut to the chase I wrote a note to Cox Bob (K3EST) who is the director of the competition which I politely replied:
---- Respuesta de Bob (K3EST) ----
Dear Pedro,
Thank you for your letter.
Yes, there are several new separate categories as follows:
  • HP all band
  • HP all band assisted
  • HP single band
  • HP single band assisted
  • LP all band
  • LP all band assisted
  • LP single band
  • LP single band assisted
  • QRP all band
  • QRP all band assisted
  • QRP single band
  • QRP single band assisted
The HP/LP all and single band will be listed as they always have been (low power with an *).The HP/LP all band and single band assisted will be listed under assisted (low power with an *)The QRP/assisted will be listed under QRP with assisted having an *.
So, there are several new categories: LP assisted AB and SB and QRP assisted.I hope this answers your question.
If you have any more questions please let me know.
73Bob, K3EST
Response ---- End Bob (K3EST) ----
The answer is very specific and leaves little room for doubt, it remains to be seen as a contest of such prestige and level of participation makes such a change in the rules and do not bother to publish it.
In any case it re-establishes expectations WW at first be claimed in category Mts SO SB 10 (A) QRP. To be consistent
moved the needle I have this expectation of a result because the way I measure the output is in terms of improvement over my own performance regardless of how it classifies me, at the same time the number of participants are not so great. If you take a reference say I had a very similar score to that achieved by those who claimed at the tap category Mts QRP SO SB 10 would have gone to the point that the 2nd WW in that category (I do not think, again, that the status of assisted much things change in a way QRP). This way of measuring
made when it appeared he consolidated all power and I lost in the table in a distant 9th place that had no effect.
To be consistent this clarification in the opposite direction does not change things too much. This year I will be able to participate SO SB 10 Mts QRP and try to get 10% more points, and competitors say what position that puts me.

Shaved And Bottomless

From VU / Land

Again the twists of fate and needs of the work I have brought to the exotic India, the city of Pune (Poona as the locals prefer to name it) to be precise , where I'll be the next day. This time I came

lighter portable equipment because only brought with me my Yaesu VX-3R. So far I have been lucky to hear anything on repeater or simplex, or VHF or UHF. Pune is a relatively big town (about 4M people) as inactivity is worrying. The only thing you may hear are emissions "spurious " on UHF than they seem to be monitors household. VHF there is even a sign that looks like a radio transport in transmitting. My almost "fluid" Hindi management allows me to deduce that they are transmitting a game of Cricket (which is the national sport that makes all crazy here). Actually, my Hindi is not more than a dozen words, but it's a bet with a good chance that any radio broadcast where the speaker is to be a screaming match cricket. The signal is modulated at 145,700 MHz WFM, if a lady is a spurious spurious because it gets S9 +40 dB.

asked in a local forum ( ) and colleagues loose to mail addresses but neither had any response.

The last trip I came with the HF station (FT817 and portable antennas) but with poor results because he was facing a power station that made me spend a lot of problems with electrical noise (rain or was dry). Now I'm back at the hotel so if I generate the same problem at least I did not bring as much gear.

Country of infinite contrasts, exquisite food and good people.