LU1DCB (op LU6DO) 1st SA (120M47 23124)
LU8EHR the 2nd SA (27M19 1045)
LU7HZ 3rd SA (15M10 550) Asking
Claudio then I confirmed that the score was confirmed 15M10, which multipliers is similar to what is claimed but half (!!). QSO
All of the scores look details can be found at the site of the ARRL to analyze the degree of detail needed.
Having been my first international competition and limited participation any outcome is good, but I am struck by the difference between claimed and recognized (what can produce such a difference? participants who did not send the return? "wrong number of series taken?).
One issue that continues to draw attention to me, and which does not yet heard any convincing explanation, it is because it takes so long to publish the results of the competitions. Once you close the shipment of returns, and assuming that the majority are submitted in electronic format is a matter of hours to get the scores with all the crosses and checks imaginable. Even assuming volunteer exercised at the discretion of "the best "in the final editing and publication of the results have to wait between 6 months and 1 year (in some cases until the next edition of the competition, in some cases even later) does not make much sense. From the point of view of a learning process is quite counterproductive, if one has a weakness when he learns competitive and committed several times.
comparing the QSO / multiple claims with the given. The pattern that seems to appear is a massive loss points of contacts on 10 meters (?) where 3 / 4 of the items claimed were not for the reason it was granted. In 40 meters was something like half. At 20 and 15 meters there was no this problem directly.
Looking more closely at the database with scores meeting recognized that almost 2 / 3 corresponds to the missing stations are not recognized scoring (Could not they have sent form? would not be participating in this contest ?), While the remaining 1 / 3 if you are so I can only speculate that the problem was that or took bad exchange, or I took it wrong or I gave as valid contact and they do not (being my first competition I do not discard any of the three as a possible cause.)
With a learning perspective to the next where he won the contest in the category SO QRP was HA8BE ( 914M227 588838 !!!), I find it hard to imagine how such a score to give .... only in No. 42 appears LU1DCB as the first in SA, 77 LU8EHR and I appear in 87 (three colleagues from Brazil that made me the huge gauchada of submit forms with few contacts to avoid the uncomfortable position of being last ☺).
More interesting is to observe, in view of participation in planning the 2011 edition, as is the use of bands. For stations SA (all categories) 72% of the QSO took place on 40 and 20 meters, whereas 15 meters is also 89%, meaning that for stations in SA the rest of the bands is irrelevant. For example 10 meters only captures 3% of all contacts.
If I restrict the analysis to my own category, 70% of all QSO took place on 15 meters while 92% in 15 and 20 meters, 40 and 10 meters were relatively irrelevant with just under 4% each, the rest of the bands does not exist in QRP. When it comes up a bit multipliers importance of 10 and 40 meters who happen to accumulate nearly 16% of the many achievements while Lowering the contribution of 15 and 20 meters.
In the original analysis of participation it had found 40 meters QRP at that time was not a sustainable source of QSO, even considering that is my first participation exclusively Search & Pounce (S & P).
strategy for the forthcoming IARU 2011 is clearly having a good chance to run in 15 and 20 meters and using the building (I hope to have well-developed and practiced for then) SO2R achieve adequate S & P 10 and 40 meters , the target score is obtained by LU1DCB 120M47 this year or more.
The end result of this issue is thus a story, my first international competition and with the participation of only a few hours, all gain.
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