Again the twists of fate and needs of the work I have brought to the exotic India, the city of Pune (Poona as the locals prefer to name it) to be precise , where I'll be the next day. This time I came
lighter portable equipment because only brought with me my Yaesu VX-3R. So far I have been lucky to hear anything on repeater or simplex, or VHF or UHF. Pune is a relatively big town (about 4M people) as inactivity is worrying. The only thing you may hear are emissions "spurious " on UHF than they seem to be monitors household. VHF there is even a sign that looks like a radio transport in transmitting. My almost "fluid" Hindi management allows me to deduce that they are transmitting a game of Cricket (which is the national sport that makes all crazy here). Actually, my Hindi is not more than a dozen words, but it's a bet with a good chance that any radio broadcast where the speaker is to be a screaming match cricket. The signal is modulated at 145,700 MHz WFM, if a lady is a spurious spurious because it gets S9 +40 dB.
asked in a local forum ( HamRadioIndia.com ) and colleagues loose to qrz.com mail addresses but neither had any response.
The last trip I came with the HF station (FT817 and portable antennas) but with poor results because he was facing a power station that made me spend a lot of problems with electrical noise (rain or was dry). Now I'm back at the hotel so if I generate the same problem at least I did not bring as much gear.
Country of infinite contrasts, exquisite food and good people.
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