's excellent tutorial HF propagation of Dr. Bob Brown (NM7M, SK) scored by Thierry (ON4SKY) can be followed in fairly plain language (although English ) explanation of how the basic mechanisms of ionospheric propagation as predicted. Then it explores the major stressors that although not fully be predicted given the chaotic nature of the phenomena involved may operate with corrections to be taken into account. The material was written some time ago (it shows because they provide referrals to what happened several solar cycles ago) and have annotations made by Thierry latest, yet most of the material already has some old but is updated in that respect universal phenomena for which the state of science has not made significant progress since the material was written. One of the interesting findings that the material expressed is that once you understand the phenomena VOACAP program has most of them into account what is a resource that should be considered when making any predictions propagation, a link to a Web online version of this program can be found useful links between this blog. During the reading, quite enjoyable considering the potential dryness of subject matter, maintaining the foot in the field of applications for radio, DX and contests although not so many references are appealing to math and literature. A pdf version of this material can also be downloaded from here .
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