The install process always ends up being simple to take care to read the manual first and methodically follow the steps to install the software to configure it first and then, years of experience installing crap in every environment imaginable and countless nights fighting with the consequences of not being meticulous and methodical help.
all starts down the latest base and all subsequent updates, ensures that any version that is on the machine (a test product) is first uninstalled and re-boot machine . This is necessary because the N1MM installs a driver that to be completely removed beyond doubt requires a reboot.
After installing the basic version ( N1MM-FullInstaller.exe ) and all the "patches " existing on the site (at the time it got was 12) in increasing order of number and date of release.
then configure the basic data of the station and the DX Cluster (in my case via Telnet but can be via packet).
found desirable to modify the handling interface to use the parallel port (LPT ) could manipulate the serial port as it did before with AATest N1MM but the configuration does not support SO2R (Single Radio Operator-2) with serial port. Actually ended up being very simple adjustment, just a cable DB-25 to DB-9 using the pin 1 and Gnd, pin 3 as Selector rig1/rig2 and pin 17 and Key (for now I did not add PTT, KISS! ) online respectively Gnd / TxD / DTR in the DB-9. Voila! Walk went very well and the N1MM could manipulate the two radios when the port was configured properly. Very interesting to see the program operate in this mode, the ability of trading, dueling and a huge amount of detailed settings that I have not digested at all (although they are detailed in the extensive documentation !!!). Remained the problem that the operation was still taking the contest suite AALog - CwType and although the latter supports the operation of an LPT parallel port is only able to push the pins 1 to 9 ( why not struck me that the authors of this software do everything in their particular way without paying attention to what other programs do ..?); finally the solution was quite simple, as the LPT port pin 5 is not used by N1MM put it in parallel with the pin 17 and holy remedy, the interface can be used both by the CwType as N1MM without walking the plugging and unplugging.
The last hurdle was the setting for the CAT. N1MM effectively giving control of CAT equipment accessing a rich integrated interface between the logging window, the bandplan and the cluster. But N1MM to do so takes control of the CAT and therefore implies that I can tune from the DSP filter waterfall ( CwGet ) very difficult decision, the first feature looks very attractive and the second is the much needed know this by experience. A natural way to solve it would be if N1MM bear OmniRig but the documentation makes no reference. Checking in N1MM support forum on Yahoo ( N1MMLogger ) I confirmed that indeed OmniRig is not supported, and there are even some " negative vibration" in the responses suggests that there will never be. The solution "natural" for such cases is to have a N1MM Application Program Interface (API) that would write an extension module, for example by a DLL, to support devices that are not specifically considered in the main program, this is the solution "classic" from the point of view of software engineering when it is desired to incorporate as part of the all possible variants of external modules, all very nice but not N1MM is such a thing.
Fortunately I found a program called Virtual Serial Port Emulator (vspeed) produced by the firm Eterlogic that just allows for different configurations of virtual serial ports, in particular one that interested me is called splitter where one real serial port is party (split ) up to 8 virtual serial ports can be opened by application paths, each "seeing" as an exclusive port. In this way the physical port COM6 is split into 2 copies COM8 virtual port and physical port COM7 is split as 2 copies of the virtual port COM5. A couple are assigned to N1MM COM8/COM5 to rig1/rig2 and the other pair to OmniRig. For his part depend CwGet OmniRig, HamPort, AALog and throughout the suite. There are some unwanted interaction whereby as the frequency gets 671417.33 N1MM but mostly its occurrence can be reduced to the point of being able to live with it.
Finally with this configuration SO2R station was doing several tests, all successful in taking advantage of el fin de semana transcurrió el Russian DX Contest en el que si bien no participé me dió abundantes estaciones de fondo en las distintas bandas para practicar con el SO2R. Todavía me queda ajustar el contenido de las macros del N1MM para emitir los mensajes concurseros y ajustar el CWType para dejar solo las macros que sean relevantes a DX dado que no serán mas necesarias las de concursos.
La configuración y los cambios son suficientemente grandes como para hacer deseable ponerlos en práctica antes del siguiente concurso; en el calendario actual eso ocurrirá recién en Mayo asi que es probable que apunte a una participación "liviana" en algún concurso de los disponibles durante Abril, el Manchester-Mineira CQ DX looks like a good candidate even has a division of unfavorable category SB SO QRP operation because it consolidates power, but perhaps is a good opportunity to test equipment without too many competing objectives.
2011 ... here we go ....
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